Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fun Facts

1)More than 20,000,000 Hershey's Kisses are wrapped each day, using 133 square miles of tinfoil. All that foil is recyclable, but not many people realize it.
2)McDonald's saves 68,000,000 pounds of packaging per year just by pumping soft drink syrup directly from the delivery truck into tanks in the restaurant, instead of shipping the syrup in cardboard boxes.
3)Rainforests are being cut down at the rate of 100 acres per minute.
4)A single quart of motor oil, if disposed of improperly, can contaminate up to 2,000,000 gallons of fresh water.
5)You can walk 1 mile along an average highway in the United States and see about 1,457 pieces of litter.
6)The Washington, DC-based Institute For Local Self-Reliance calculates that recycling creates 36 jobs per 10,000 tons of material recycled compared to 6 jobs for every 10,000 of tons brought to traditional disposal facilities. (6 times higher employment!)
7)A typical family consumes 182 gallons of pop, 29 gallons of juice, 104 gallons of milk, and 26 gallons of bottled water a year. That's a lot of containers -- make sure they're recycled!

Okay, guys, this is the last of them. I think. Well, probably not. But the website has been exhausted. The SEAC might have more, but I really don't know. These facts are on their site. Also, look at these interesting facts. Finally (I know, this is the last one. Google is wonderful) there's this one, but those are just random facts with something to do with the whole theme here. :P

Smell ya later, guys!!! :P

~The Green Freak

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