Tuesday, June 9, 2009

First Post

Yahoo!!! Sorry, that was cheesy. But this is the first official post on the Green Freax United blog. It's the same as Coffee Snobs, only now completely run by the previous Muffin, presently known now as Green Freak!!! :):):)

So, same story. Comment on posts, tell your friends, yada yada yada. I'm so darn hyper right now! I mean, come on people. It's summer! FINALLY!!!! *Does happy dance.*

So yeah. Sorry about the comment thing on previous blog. I might still post there, but this is the NEW main blog. Happy summer, guys!!! :P

~Green Freak (AKA Muffin).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like the new blog alot better! :)
Do you still post on the advice column?

-Bob Zenith